Music Licensing Agency

You choose the music.

We clear the rights.

Welcome to Music To Picture

We are a music licensing company, specialising in clearing music rights for all types of projects : films, TV series, live performances, apps, samples, NFTs, etc…

Our Services



If you use music over images, you will be required to obtain the synchronisation (sync) rights in the master and the publishing.



If you use recorded music in a live performance, you will need to obtain the publishing and possibly



If you sample someone else's music in your own music, you need to clear it.


Grand Rights

We clear Grand Rights, the rights associated with ballets and operas.

What Makes Us Different?

Knowledge and experience

We have over 25 years of experience in the industry and have worked on all types of music clearance. Still, we keep abreast of new developments, in particular new technologies and how they may be changing the licensing landscape.

Fair rates

Music is an important part of your project but rights can be expensive depending on the artist or the song. This is why we keep our rates as affordable as possible.

Contacts worldwide

We have been working with copyright owners across the world for many years and have a wealth of contact at both majors but also independent companies.

customer satisfaction

We pride ourselves on going the extra mile to help our clients get the rights for the music they want every time.

Request a free quote

Are you at that stage in your project where you need to clear the music? Contact us today and get a free quote.